Coñecemento científico


Desde que Foltra comezou o seu traballo, tivemos a posibilidade de comunicar ao mundo científico, a través de numerosas publicacións que tiveron unha gran repercusión, os resultados logrados en pacientes considerados como "imposibles de ser recuperados". Iso traduciuse en numerosos premios de investigación pero, sobre todo, no feito de que pacientes de todo o mundo, acudan a Foltra en buca da solución aos seus problemas. E non só pacientes, senón médicos de moi diferentes países recorren aos nosos consellos terapéuticos. Así o fixemos en Canadá, USA, México, Australia, Nova Zelandia, Arxentina, Brasil, Italia, Sudáfrica, etc... Pero todo iso tamén implica un problema como é o gran número de correos electrónicos que diariamente se reciben con invitacións para impartir conferencias en Congresos Mundiais, publicar en gran número de revistas científicas e libros..., algo imposible de abarcar e que crea un gran stress. En calquera caso estamos orgullosos de que Foltra converteuse nun referente mundial na recuperación de pacientes descartados, e que con Foltra, Teo en particular, e Galicia en xeral, sexan aínda máis coñecidos no mundo. Traballamos duramente e diariamente para poñer a punto novas tecnoloxías, non buscando noso ben se non o daqueles que perderon a súa vida e que aquí atopan unha nova esperanza. Conseguimos o imposible, a priori, casos resoltos tras anos sen solución, e seguimos buscando novas e mellores solucións. Os propios pacientes poden dar fe diso. Poderiamos publicar moito máis, pero o tempo diario non dá para iso...

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Recovery from neurological sequelae secondary to oncological brain surgery in an adult
growth hormone-deficient patient after growth hormone treatment.
Journal of rehabilitation medicine Devesa J, Reimunde P, Devesa A, Souto S, Lopez-Amado M, Devesa P, Arce VM 2009/09/10 PDF
Growth Hormone revisited Medicina Clínica Devesa J, Devesa P, Reimunde P. 2010/11/13 Enlace
Growth hormone deficiency and cerebral palsy. Ther Clin Risk Manag Devesa J, Casteleiro N, Rodicio C, López N, Reimunde P 2010/09/07 Enlace
Effects of recombinant growth hormone replacement and physical rehabilitation in
recovery of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy.
Ther Clin Risk Manag Reimunde P, Rodicio C, López N, Alonso A, Devesa P, Devesa J. 2010/11/30 Enlace
Effects of growth hormone (GH) replacement and cognitive rehabilitation in patients with cognitive disorders after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury Reimunde P, Quintana A, Castañón B, Casteleiro N, Vilarnovo Z, Otero A, Devesa A, Otero-Cepeda XL, Devesa J. 2010/11/30 Enlace
Effects of recombinant growth hormone (GH) replacement and psychomotor and
cognitive stimulation in the neurodevelopment of GH-deficient (GHD) children with
cerebral palsy: a pilot study.
Ther Clin Risk Manag Devesa J, Alonso B, Casteleiro N, Couto P, Castañón B, Zas E, Reimunde P 2011/05/30 PDF
Growth hormone (GH) treatment may cooperate with locally-produced GH in increasing
the proliferative response of hippocampal progenitors to kainate-induced injury.
Brain Injury Devesa P, Reimunde P, Gallego R, Devesa J, Arce VM 2010/11/30 Enlace
Growth hormone treatment enhances the functional recovery of sciatic nerves after
transection and repair.
Muscle&Nerve Devesa P, Gelabert M, Gonźlez-Mosquera T, Gallego R, Relova JL,
Devesa J, Arce VM.
2012/03/12 Enlace
Growth hormone (GH) and brain trauma. Hormones and Behavior Devesa J, Reimunde P, Devesa P, Barberá M, Arce V. 2013/02/10 Enlace
Role of growth hormone (GH) in the treatment on neural diseases: from neuroprotection
to neural repair.
Neuroscience Research Arce VM, Devesa P, Devesa J. 2013/03/14 Enlace
Early growth hormone (GH) treatment promotes relevant motor functional improvement after severe frontal cortex lesion in adult rats. Behavioural Brain Research Heredia M, Fuente A, Criado J, Yajeya J, Devesa J, Riolobos AS 2013/03/12 PDF
Growth hormone pathways signaling for cell proliferation and survival in hippocampal neural precursors from postnatal mice. BMC Neuroscience Devesa P, Agasse F, Xapelli S, Almengló C, Devesa J, Malva JO, Arce VM. 2014/08/26 Enlace
Brain Recovery after a Plane Crash: Treatment with Growth Hormone (GH) and
Neurorehabilitation: A Case Report.
International Journal of Molecular Science Devesa J, Díaz-Getino G, Rey P, García-Cancela J, Loures I, Nogueiras S, Hurtado de Mendoza A, Salgado L, González M, Pablos T, Devesa P. 2015/11/28 PDF
Multiple Effects of Growth Hormone in the Body:
Is it Really the Hormone for Growth?
Libertas Academia Devesa J, Almengló C and Devesa P 2016/09/19 PDF
Learning and Memory Recoveries in a Young Girl Treated with Growth
Hormone and Neurorehabilitation
Journal of Clinical Medicine Devesa J, Lema H, Zas E, Munín B, Taboada P, and Devesa P 2016/01/19 PDF
A Rare Case of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome Who Showed a Positive Evolution after Being Treated with Growth Hormone, High Doses of Melatonin and Neurorehabilitation   Jesús Devesa, Alba Alonso, Patricia Porto, Ana Quintana, María Carrillo, Pablo Devesa and Carlos I. Puell 2017/08/31 PDF
Growth Hormone (GH) and Rehabilitation Promoted Distal Innervation in a Child Affected by Caudal
Regression Syndrome
International Journal of Molecular Science Jesús Devesa, Alba Alonso, Natalia López, José García, Carlos I. Puell, Tamara Pablos and Pablo Devesa 2017/01/23 PDF
Fever Due to Infection or Muscle Heat? MedCrave Jesús Devesa, Carlos I. Puell,  Sara Castellanos, Jacobo Isorna 2013/06/13 PDF
Chronic limb-threatening ischemia could benefit from growth hormone therapy for wound healing and limb salvage Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease Diego Caicedo, Pablo Devesa, Víctor M. Arce, Julia Requena and Jesús Devesa 2017/10/12 PDF
GPE Promotes the Proliferation and Migration of Mouse Embryonic Neural Stem Cells and Their
Progeny In Vitro
International Journal of Molecular Science Cristina Almengló, Pablo Devesa, Jesús Devesa, and Víctor M. Arce 2017/06/16 PDF
Growth Hormone (GH) and Cardiovascular System International Journal of Molecular Science Diego Caicedo, Oscar Díaz, Pablo Devesa and Jesús Devesa 2018/01/18 PDF
Motor Improvement of Skilled Forelimb Use Induced by Treatment with Growth Hormone and Rehabilitation Is Dependent on the Onset of the Treatment After Cortical Ablation Neural Plasticity Margarita Heredia, Jesús Palomero, Antonio de la Fuente, José María Criado, Javier Yajeya, Jesús Devesa, Pablo Devesa, José Luis Vicente-Villardón and Adelaida S. Riolobos 1 2018/01/08 PDF
Stem Cell Research & Therapeutics Stem Cell Research & Therapeutics Jesús Devesa and Pablo Devesa 2018/01/14 PDF
Treatment with Growth Hormone (GH) Increased the Metabolic Activity of the Brain in an Elder Patient, Not GH-Deficient, Who Suffered Mild Cognitive Alterations and Had an ApoE 4/3 Genotype International Journal of Molecular Sciences Jesús Devesa, Iria Núñez, Carlos Agra, Alejandro Bejarano and Pablo Devesa  2018/08/05 PDF
Special Issue "Growth Hormone (GH): Multiple Therapeutic Possibilities and Molecular Mechanisms of Action" International Journal of Molecular Sciences Jesús Devesa 2018/08/24 PDF
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